Monday, November 14, 2011

USANA Success Story: Search for ideal business leads to USANA

Hubert Krause and Seta Der Artinian work six days a week from their spacious home outside Ste Adèle, Québec, with unwavering enthusiasm. The couple began their USANA business in 1996 with the ambitious goal of building the Québec market—before sales tools were even available in French. Ten years later, Seta and Hubert remain passionate and determined about their work. “We are focused and we have high goals to help a lot of people,” Seta says.

Before they joined USANA, Hubert and Seta spent seven years building another successful network marketing business throughout Canada and Europe. But after years of travel, the couple was burned out. They spent the winter recuperating in Florida and contemplating their next business venture. If they were to be involved in the network marketing industry again, Seta and Hubert had several conditions a new company would need to meet. “We wanted to find products that would truly make a difference in the health of those that consumed them,” Hubert says. “This time around we wanted to find a company that really made a difference in people’s lives with products that made sense and gave results. When we found USANA, we were elated that one company could meet all of our criteria and more.”

The focus and efficiency with which Hubert and Seta chose USANA is evident in their day-to-day operations. Hubert works with current leaders in their organization while Seta concentrates on new Associates and prospects. The couple has achieved 1-Star Diamond Director status but has a goal to be 10-Star Diamonds within the next five years. A 2’ x 3’ outline of how to achieve that goal hangs on their office door. To be successful, they rely on each other. “Hubert needs me and I need Hubert,” Seta explains. “I will motivate him and expend the effort for the good of the business and he will do the same.”

Seta and Hubert make sure to spend time away from their business to visit family, exercise, or take walks by the river that rushes through their gated neighborhood. Seta likes to unwind with an evening of dining and shopping with her mother. “We are all such crazy shoppers—the Der Artinian family—we all shop until we drop!” Seta exclaims. Hubert enjoys skiing at a resort down the road and playing chess, which he likens to running a business. “There’s no element of luck—it’s all you,” he says. “You have to strategize how to build a business. In chess, you always have to use a good strategy if you want to win.”

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