Tuesday, November 8, 2011

USANA Success Story: USANA allows energetic couple to invest in every other aspect of their lives

The philosopher Aristotle wisely said, “Adventure is worthwhile.” Two people who have taken that sentiment to heart are Susanne and John Cunningham, who embarked on quite an adventure when they took the invitation to jump into a new business venture with USANA, despite both of their busy schedules. Today, after building a remarkably successful organization, this free-spirited couple is grateful for all of the blessings true health and true wealth have brought into their lives.

“The freedom to do what I want, when I want is probably the most important thing I have gained through USANA,” John states, “in particular, to have time for my family.” Susanne echoes this sentiment, “Time and financial freedom give you more choices. You don’t have to worry about bills. You can wake up when you want, travel when you want, stay home when you want…whatever you want to do, you can choose with less worry.”

While they own a lovely home in the quiet of the Winnipeg countryside, the Cunninghams are not especially interested in the material luxuries that financial independence can bring, but instead they appreciate the opportunity to have abundantly rich lives together. The proud parents of three boys, John and Susanne delight in being able to spend time forging close relationships with each of them. For example, John coaches one of his sons in curling, a passion both father and son share, and Susanne is able to take annual “mom and son” trips with each of her boys individually.

The couple is also happy to give their children a very different life than they had growing up. “We both came from families that didn’t have a lot,” John explains. “While we’ve instilled self reliance in out kids, they do have more opportunities; the door is wide open for them to go where they want to go in their lives. And whatever they decide to do, they will always have a successful reference and the mindset of having multiple streams of income, which will make them more bulletproof in the economic world.”

The family also loves traveling several times a year. Susanne recalls one especially memorable trip in which she was skiing the mountains of British Columbia one day and basking in the sun in Kona, Hawaii the next. “Who gets to do that?” she laughs. Similarly, John has found the trips he has taken while building a global business quite adventurous as well. “I’ve experienced a lot of growth while visiting different countries and meeting people from other cultures,” he remarks.

Throughout the many twists and turns of their time in USANA, one thing remains constant—John and Susanne’s commitment to Dr. Wentz’ vision and their strong partnership and support for each other. Susanne says, “It’s pretty cool that we can work together, keep growing, and have adventure in our lives. And we’re doing something we enjoy that is making a difference in people’s lives, which gives us rewards that are far greater than money.”

Susanne and John conclude, “The good life is a happy home and being happy yourself. The good life is what we’ve come to live.”

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